अमावस को रात्रि ये 1 उपाय करो | सारे काम में सफलता मिलेगी | Archana Gupta |upay


अमावस को रात्रि ये 1 उपाय करो | सारे काम में सफलता मिलेगी | Archana Gupta |upay
shaniwar amavsya 2023
laxmi prapti
amavsya ke upay
shaniwar archana gupta |upay

आज इस विडियो में अमावस्या पर मां लक्ष्मी की कृपा प्राप्त करने और शनि पीड़ा से मुक्ति के उपाय बताए जा रहे हैं इन उपायों को आप किसी अमावस्या पर कर के लाभ उठा सकते हैं

ज्योतिषी अर्चना गुप्ता I am practicing astrology since 20 years. I tell you the solutions which are very easy to follow and if you follow the solutions with faith , you will see the change in your life and get happiness and success.
If you have any questions for which you would like to have a conversation or need a solution, You can ask me any problems related to health, wealth, negative energies, job, marriage, children, business, and many more. Numerology, Feng-Shui, Vaastu Shastra , Reiki, Aura Cleaning, Card consultation, Crystal Healing, Signature, Tarot Course , Tarot Card, Love & Marriage Life, Match Making, Business Growth, Career Growth, Child Future, Child Health, Personal Consultancy, Marriage Horoscope, Business Partnership, Travel/Relocation, Astrology Analysis, Vedic Astrology Readings, Chinese Astrology, Stock Market Astrology, Celebrity Horoscope, , Love Horoscope, Corporate Growth, Gemstone, Pregnancy , Numerology Reading, Health Guidance ,
contact me at ‘archanag1967@gmail.com’ or WhatsApp me on +91 807 750 65 10

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