* ˚ ✦ Harp Music Energy Healing * ˚ ✦ ˚ * Root Chakra & Solar Plexus Activation ✦ ˚ * #reiki


*~ Greetings, fellow querents ~*

I’ve been guided recently to start experimenting with channeled music energy healing – please enjoy this first session!

While playing, I was seeing lots of solar plexus and root chakra energy. Solar plexus healing has been relevant in the collective for a while (although more recently, I’ve seen it more in the context of it combined with sacral and heart chakra themes, so it was interesting to have the root chakra re-introduced – it is a pairing that I experienced more commonly in the past couple of moons).

To make the most of this activation, reflect on one or both of the following questions while listening:

1. What do I feel I need or want in order to feel rooted and grounded?
2. How can I take practical steps to feel empowered in cultivating safety for myself?

Integrating this activation will work best if you take a few minutes to journal any thoughts, feelings, answers, or even subsequent questions that come up while listening.

I’m excited to share this first session – let me know what you experienced in the comments!

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! ! ! TIMESTAMPS ! ! !


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! ! ! IF YOU MUST KNOW ! ! !

Ancient Lyran Starseed.
High Priestess of Avalon.
Song of the Lioness Rampant.
Guardian of Mother Gaia’s Ascension.
Acolyte of the Goddess’s many faces.
Willing instrument of the divine.
Earth angel (the biblical kind).
Multiplicity of taking all and nothing seriously, in stride.
I look only to elicit a glimmer of humorous redemption somewhere within our collective, chaotic adversities.

[In all intentionality of seriousness, though, I hope these messages deliver healing and peace.]

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! ! ! DISCLAIMER ! ! !

Legally, I am obligated to state that the content of this channel is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

Any statements within this video do not constitute as a replacement for certified professional guidance. I am not responsible for any legal, financial, or medical decisions made by viewers of this channel’s contents.

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~ Dive into a transformative experience with our channeled music energy healing session. This session, inspired by recent guidance, focuses primarily on the solar plexus and root chakra energies. With the solar plexus healing being a prevalent theme in the collective, its combination with the root chakra offers a unique energy alignment. As you immerse yourself in the healing sounds, ponder on questions related to grounding and empowerment. Enhance your experience by journaling your insights, emotions, and revelations during the session. Share your experiences in the comments, and embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing with us. ~

#ChanneledMusic, #EnergyHealing, #SolarPlexusHealing, #RootChakra, #ChakraAlignment, #Empowerment, #Grounding, #SacralChakra, #HeartChakra, #MusicHealing, #ChakraActivation, #SelfDiscovery, #Journaling, #HealingSession, #reiki


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