✨ Reiki Energy Healing Training • Asheville, NC


Wow! I had a phenomenal experience during my Usui Reiki energy healing training this weekend led by my friend, fellow yoga teacher and Reiki master Valerie

FYI, Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and assists in balancing your ki (or energy). Energy, ki, qi, prana, prayer; its all pretty much the same thing. You’re not creating or conjuring anything, you’re just the vessel, working with what is already there. I like how Valerie describes it “Reiki is the water and you are the faucet.”

Level one includes training and attunement for self healing and level two includes training and attunement to be able to work with other people and animals. This training is especially great for yoga teachers or practitioners with a good foundational knowledge of yoga since the training refers to lots of yogic terms like koshas, chakras, etc. You’ll also learn more about supplemental tools like crystals, essential oils and herbs. Everything was so well presented and organized and my manual is a great reference tool that I will continue to use often.

Of course I was kinda into all this woo-woo stuff already but still kinda skeptical too. I also had some misconceptions about this practice that were all cleared up. After physically seeing and feeling the positive benefits of this practice, I’m a believer! For example, I’ve had chronic issues with my right hip since experiencing hip dysplasia at birth. I expected it to hurt more after after all the sitting this weekend . However, it felt better than ever after we all practiced Reiki on each other Sunday; like tons of long held tension/tightness was released.

I’m excited to incorporate Reiki into my upcoming yoga classes and retreats so I hope you’ll join me and experience the benefits for your physical + energetic body!
• Weekly: Mondays 7-8 PM Yin, Nidra & Reiki at Asheville Yoga Center
• Monthly: Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath at Asheville Yoga Center
• Seasonally: Spring, Summer & Autumn Yoga Retreats in/near Asheville, NC via Namaste in Nature


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