✨Reiki/Sekhem to Remove Black Magic, Curses, Spells, Hexes, Malintent, etc from All Parts of You✨


Much gratitude and special blessings to the person who donated and requested this video! 😇✋🏼🤚🏼💕✨🕊

reiki to remove black magic, reiki to remove curses, reiki to remove spells, reiki to remove evil eye, reiki to remove other people’s negative intentions, reiki to remove hexes, reiki for protection, energy healing, sekhem, Archangel Michael, Hanuman,

To those open to receiving, I am now activating and sending reiki and sekhem to remove any and all black magic, curses, spells, hexes, evil eye, malintent, etc from all parts of your body and soul across all dimensions of time and space. I intend to remove any negative or harmful energy that has been sent towards you, your family, or your ancestral line, whether intentional or unintentional. I then intend to set up a protective shield around you to protect you from any black magic, curses, spells, etc for as long as possible. I invite Archangel Michael and Hanuman to assist me with this healing. My intention is always for the Highest Good of all. ✋🏼🤚🏼💕✨

Thank you Archangel Michael and Hanuman! ❤️❤️❤️

For even better results, demand firmly, out loud or in your head, that any black magic, curses, spells, hexes, negative influences, etc of any kind be removed from all parts of your being and from your ancestral line across all dimensions of time and space. Firmly reclaim your sovereignty and control over your life and highest divine destiny.

Though very uncommon, black magic, spells, curses etc that are done deliberately towards you, your family, or ancestral line are powerful things and can definitely have a real, negative impact on your life. However, they are not nearly as powerful as the light of Divine Love and Justice! The more we believe that a curse, hex, spell, etc has power over our lives, the more we allow it to have power and the more we feed into its energy. Therefore, it is very important after receiving this energy healing that you believe that the curse, spell, hex, etc is really gone from your life, otherwise you may weaken your defense system against that old energy. Although deliberate black magic, spells, etc definitely do happen, negative or harmful energy that is unintentionally sent can act similarly to a curse/spell and is much more common. I recommend watching this video even if you don’t believe someone deliberately did black magic, spells, etc against you because it is possible to have negative energy or intentions sent from someone without them even realizing it. One example of this is when someone is jealous or envious of what you have and they subconsciously send negative energy to you as a result of their jealousy. Remember that, no matter what, you never deserve to be cursed or sent any negative energy. You deserve to have full power and sovereignty in your life and you always deserve only the best energies and circumstances! 🤗✋🏼🤚🏼💕✨

Music: Almost in F – Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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Info & Disclaimer:
Energy healing is an alternative health approach that can offer wonderful mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits. That being said, it is not to be used as a replacement for professional help and does not guarantee the cure or prevention of any disease, health condition, situation, or circumstance. For best results, use energy healing alongside professional medical treatment and professional advice. Energy healing affects people in different ways. During or after the session, you may feel physical sensations in your body as the energy shifts and adjusts. You may also have thoughts, memories, or emotions come up and you may feel energized or tired. Energy healing can not cause you harm. However, if you have any concerns about how energy healing may affect you, talk to your doctor before watching my videos or any other energy healing videos. Never watch energy healing videos while driving or operating machinery.


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