✨Third Eye Chakra Healing🌀 Reiki with Amethyst Crystal &💎Diamond🌀Reiki to balance Ajna Chakra🌀


Reiki energy to balance and cleanse third eye chakra. Located in the forehead area, this chakra connects with intuition and center of spiritual awareness.

Chakras are energy centers and frequencies in our body. Unbalanced and blocked Chakras can lead to several complaints to the body and mind.

For crystal healing, diamond to clear negative energy. Amethyst crystal is great to balance third eye and intuition.

After this session, please drink plenty of water and rest as much as you can. Also, don’t substitute spiritual healing for professional medical treatment. Please listen to your body and spirit.


For more in-depth information, check out Handbook of Chakra Healing:

The Crystal Bible is a great resource:

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