😵‍💫✨Overexertion (+rain sounds) | reiki symbols, flutters, sweeps, tao calligraphy, etc.🫧🙏


Reiki can be offered in person or at a distance. This video can be watched or played in the background (ex. When sleeping). You will gain the same benefits from either, upon your wish to receive this healing. Reiki channels universal energy for your highest wellbeing and good.

💖About this reiki session
It’s good to unwind the physical body. Our daily lives can be full to the brim with non-stop action. Here’s your moment to sit back, loosen up & be ready for the next awesome endeavour (be it working, cooking or simply getting a coffee!) ♥️🙏 Be loved, be safe & be protected 💫

Specific work includes: head, Neck, shoulder muscles, shoulder joint, back posture muscles, overall balance realignment.

🔥Social media & contact:
IG: @alex.mairedelaville
Tiktok: @alex.mairedelaville

🧧Tips & Donations
No obligations & always highly appreciated so I can continue improving the content & this channel for all ☕️🤓✨ Thank you with all my 💖

☀️About me
I’m an osteopath graduate and have completed the 4 levels of the Usui reiki curriculum (Reiki master teacher). With added knowledge from Karuna ki & tao calligraphy. I’ve discovered to embrace my empathic nature. I’d love to pass on my knowledge and any healing I can offer. On a side note, when I’m not geeking out on spirituality and wellness, you can find me designing products such as charms & candles!

These online sessions are meant to help, alleviate & bring forth wellness. By no means is it a replacement for therapy, medical intervention or any other current or future professional instance if needed. In doubt, reach out and ask! That being said, happy healing & many blessings 💕

#reiki #reikisession #energy #reikimaster #exhaustion #overworked #overexertion #muscletension #neck #back #lowerback #realignment #posture #spirituality #avwellness


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