2024 Hair Goals and Tips for Locs| Are Your Locs Surviving or Thriving??


For natural hair and skincare products and fragrance rocks, and fragrance bombs, uunsi & bakhoor

Tunisia Ali’s Spiritual Channel

Melissa Blakes  UK Telphone #: 011 44 7494 036113
#knottedlocs www.knottedlocs.com
Call Via Whatsapp for free international calls. Tell her Tunisia sent ya!


For healing services: Www.hidayahreiki.com

To take online classes for healing and Tarot: REGISTER for my online courses that help you shift your energy and develop prosperity consciousness and create wealth!

Sisterlocks channel (This Channel)
Welcome to our channel and to the brand whose focus is to bring to market products that are designed to assist with your particular hair and skin care needs. While the  I Am Melanin Magic Brand has only recently begun sharing its blends within the larger global arena, Tunisia Ali, the company’s CEO and product developer has been sharing her gift with family and her local community fo years. As a Spiritual Mentor, Author, Educator, and Energy Healer, she has always been concerned with overall health and wellness. Thousands have already experienced true success and abundant hair growth over time. As well, many have seen dramatic improvement in their skin making acne issues a thing of the past and improving the glow and health of their skin.

For more information on the products, go to:

My book is available for purchase on Amazon. Order your copy today!!  Don’t forget to leave a review!

REGISTER for my online courses that help you shift your energy and develop prosperity consciousness and create wealth! TAROT CLASSES TOO!!

Book a tarot reading, distance or face to face reiki session, chakra balancing, health and wellness consult, hypnosis session, spiritual mentoring session or life coaching Visit my two websites:

www.hidayahreiki.com ( READINGS)

Email  & Video Only Readings:

cash.me/$TunisiaAli218  (CASHAPP)
tsheikahme12@yahoo.com  (Paypal)
ZELLE: Tunisia Ali
For short (10min) private MINDSET videos and high vibrational insight regarding your  personal issues ( NOT A READING)please send $55.55 to my cash app or paypal account (must send as friend and family) and text or audio file me your issue and concerns. Be specific.

For  Spirituality: Subscribe to my Butterfly Transformations Channel.

For Beauty Tips, Spiritual Inspiration and Natural Hair subscribe to my other channel:


Living a life of abundance and manifesting your heart’s desires, whether it be money, your soulmate, health or anything else you seek, first starts with a mindset. Everything in life starts with a mindset. The ALL really is mental. The issue with mindset though is that many of us don’t realize the power of ours, or we don’t grasp the degree to which the wrong mindset and subconscious programming can literally destroy our lives, our health , and our chances at apprehending our divine birthright–prosperity! Get a handle on what software is running your hardware. Gain clarity, clear and heal your energetic and emotional road blocks, up-level your mindset, and manifest the glory of God within you. You are a divine being capable of far more than what you have settled for. Never settle. Stop settling. 

Hidayah Reiki Google Review


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