33 – Propagating Ficus Microcarpa Bonsai Cuttings With Handmade Mini Greenhouses


33 – Propagating Ficus Microcarpa Tiger Bark Bonsai Cuttings With Handmade Mini Greenhouses

Hi everyone..
I just want to say that im not at all saying this is the right way to propagate ficus cuttings. Everyone has their own way that works for them.
In this video I share all my secrets tips and trick used to propagate ficus cuttings in a short time.
I hope you enjoy and I hope you try this yourself… be sure to let me know how you get on!
Blessed be – Jay

Hi, my name is Jay im based in the UK 🙂
I love bonsai, yoga, spiritualality and im also a practising Zen Buddhist and a Reiki Healer.
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Thank you for watching – Have a blessed day
(*In Gassho)

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#Ficus #Microcarpa #Ginseng #Bonsai #FicusMicrocarpa #FicusGinseng #FicusBonsai #FicusMicrocarpaGinsengBonsai #MicrocarpaGinsengBonsai #banyan
#GinsengBonsai #tigerbarkficus #ficustigerbark #propagating #ficuspropagating #ficuscuttings #ficusmicrocarpacuttings #Chinesebanyan #Malayanbanyan #Indianlaurel #curtainfig #gajumaru
#ficustigerbarkcuttings #ficuspropagation #propagation #bonsaipropagation #bonsaicuttings #minigreenhouse #minigreenhouses #glossy-leaffig #ficusretusa


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