Want to feel happy now? Free Reiki healing meditation to help (‘Walk on Reiki Sunshine’)


It’s Valentine’s Day and this is a love letter from me to you. Why? Carry on reading…

Hello you,

You’re awe-inspiring, sublime, divine, brilliant, glorious and gorgeous.

So why don’t you always feel that way?

Because life stuff gets in the way, that’s why. The stresses, the strains, the pains, the grunt, the grrr of everyday that bit by bit, tarnishes your inner-shine. It’s like a drip, drip, drip of rain that forms into clouds and – before you know it – you’re grumping at your nearest and making them feel far from dearest.

And that’s where Reiki can come in.

I call Reiki sunshine for the soul because it BEAMS down on you – gently (but powerfully) melting away the grey so can dare to bare the golden you.

And, of course, when you feel at your best, the world turns out for the best.

So I’ve created a Reiki sunshine meditation to help you let go of the clouds so you can feel happy.

So you can let the sunshine in and remember the truth.

That you’re brilliant.

Powerful beyond belief. That you have the power to change the world (and yourself) anytime you want just by going within and letting your inner sunshine out.

Now, if you feel like it, would you do something for me? (Or, rather for someone else?).

If you feel like it…

…please write a letter (email, tweet, text, Facebook message – whatever) to someone you care about. Maybe even someone you’ve been meaning to get in touch with for ages.

Go on… share the love (letter) now before life swamps you.
Sending you Reiki sunshine, smiles and sparkles,

Victoria Crump, London Reiki Master/Teacher

P.S. It’s okay if you’re not feeling your sunny best. It’s okay to feel sad, or not quite right. We’re not always perfect. It’s why I was drawn to share this meditation with you even though I get tongue tied in places…

With love, Reiki sunshine, smiles and sparkles,

Victoria Crump
London Reiki Master/Teacher

PLEASE READ THIS DISCLAIMER: I’ve lavished love on creating this guided meditation/visualisation/healing video, because I believe it will help make you feel better on some level. (I wouldn’t waste my time otherwise.) But I’m not a medical doctor and I’m not promising a panacea or miracle cure for all or anything that ails you. Please always go to the doctor if you have a medical condition that concerns you. This is not meant as a substitute.


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