Full Healing Request Session | Angelic Reiki ASMR | Beautiful Healing Energies


Hello and welcome to my channel! 🙏❤️

Here is your full healing request session. If you requested healing for yourself and/or others then the names will appear on screen. This session will be carried out to the sounds of rainfall.

If you are new to the channel or you did not previously request healing then you can still benefit from the reiki energies.

Take a deep breath in and out, ensure that you are in a comfortable and quiet place (no driving or operating heavy machinery) and let’s begin…✨

** Please note: that reiki is not intended as a stand alone treatment. However it is an excellent complimentary treatment alongside conventional medical care. If you have any health concerns please consult your doctor. **

To donate to my channel:

Instagram: rachel_lightworkersway

TikTok: @lightworkersway33


I am a certified angelic healer with The Angelic Reiki Association and certified Angel Healer with The Centre of Excellence.

I am also a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master combining Usui and Tibetan reiki.


Music Credits:

All music by Nourished by Music:


This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: *


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