Samhain/Halloween energy Healing | Mahogany Obsidian | Root Chakra #crystalreiki #energyhealing


Ground with the energy of this mahogany obsidian + reiki🖤 Honoring Samhain/Halloween & Scorpio Season. 🎃 ♏️
Samhain (pronounced SOW-ahn) is a traditional, Celtic holy day/fire festival that is the origin for what we (Americans) now call Halloween.
It is a time of connecting to and honoring our ancestors, the veil between worlds (physical/spirit) thinning, and heightened spirit realm connection.

I created a special, YouTube Distance, crystal Reiki ASMR healing video to honor this time of year/Samhain, connect with the spirit realm, and protect our energy fields.

Discernment, respect of the spirit world, and energetic hygiene is key at this time of year!

Go to the link in my bio to access the Samhain healing video on my Alden’s Energy Healing YouTube channel 🎃

🖤 Alden


#samhain #rootchakra #sacralchakra #allhallowseve #halloween #spookyseason #energycleansing #psychicprotection #auracleanse #crystalreiki #reikicharged #energyprotection #energyhealing #energywork #energygrounding #reikimaster #advancedcrystalmaster #aldensworld #aldensenergyhealing #groundingenergy #seasonofthewitch #scorpioseason #reikihealingenergy #universalenergy #mahoganyobsidian #salem #selfcare #selfcareritual #everythingisenergy #reikihealing


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