VASUDHA REIKI SYMBOL for Prosperity Abundance and Protection


Vasudha Reiki symbol gives prosperity, abundance, growth in financial prospects and protection in personal life is an additional symbol in Karuna Reiki.

Vasudha Reiki symbol is a modified version of Swastika and is made in a positive clockwise flow of energy direction.
The spirals are to be drawn clockwise from outside to inside.
This Symbol is considered also as Lord Ganesha in southern Indian states.

Vasudha reiki symbol can be used for
– growth and prosperity in financial and personal life.
-getting spiritual blessings from our ancestors.
-protection and healing from black magic / psychic attack.

This symbol can be drawn on a 2” X 2” paper or you can have the print out of this symbol laminate and place where you keep your money to bring in more prosperity.

To charge a glass of water place the laminated printout of the symbol for atleast 1 min and drink.

For manifestation of goals :

-during Self healing reiki practice draw this Symbol on 3rd eye, solar plexus and root chakra and meditate for few minutes continuesly for 21 days.

-draw this symbol on a yellow/ green colour paper and to activate this symbol visualise CKR+Vasudha+CKR
on the backside of paper with the affirmation to bring the blessings of prosperity and growth, it can be kept in work place for better opportunities or place the symbol on the inner side of main door of house.

-Drawing this symbol on the backside of the intention slips sandwiched between CKR, fold and place this slip on the Reiki wish box and give Reiki healing for 21 days. Being attuned to the symbol will give best results.


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