7 Chakras Clearing & Balancing | Full Chakra Healing | Reiki


This distant Reiki Session is to clear and balance the 7 major chakras.

Our Aura receives the energy (equivalent to our physical body), Chakras process the energy (equivalent to the brain and major organs) and the Meridians distribute the energy into the body (similar to our veins and arteries).
Chakras collect the energy of our thinking, feelings, memories, experiences, and actions. They affect our emotions, feelings, physical and mental health, as well as our actions.

💓Root Chakra is the first of our energy centers. It’s the foundation and root for all our awareness and growth. When out of balance, you may feel low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, low energy, financial problems, workaholic, procrastination, hoarding, excessively fixed on material possession, overeating, poor discipline/boundaries.

4:23 🧡Sacral chakra is the 2nd of our 7 chakras, located just below the belly button. This chakra is about emotions, pleasure, sensuality & sexuality, creativity, and passion. A balanced sacral chakra allows us to enjoy and experience life to its fullest. When out of balance, you may feel fear of pleasure, lack of creativity, lack of desire, insecurity, detachment or excessive emotional attachment, anxiety/depression, controlling, manipulative, unable to deal with life’s changes

8:05 💛Solar Plexus is located in our upper belly at the diaphragm. This’s the seat of our personal power, ego, freedom & identity. When out of balance you may feel insecure, lack of self-esteem or inflated ego, victim mentality, have no willpower, bossy or need to be right, self-centered, depression, unable to take responsibility.

11:51 💚Heart Chakra is located near our physical heart. This chakra will transmute the higher energies of the upper 3 chakras into energy that can be used in our physical plane. It governs love of self & others, compassion, gratitude, healthy boundaries, peace, generosity. When out of balance, you may feel fear of getting hurt, feelings of loneliness and being unloved, judgmental, fear of relationships, very empathetic, jealousy, poor boundaries, codependency, tendency to stay in abusive relationships.

16:01 💦Throat chakra is located at the center of our neck/throat. This chakra deals with communication, self-expression, speaking the truth, the balance between speaking & listening. When out of balance, you may feel fear of expression, fear of offending others, shyness/weak voice or socially anxious around others, excess talking, inability to listen, Gossiping, tendency to interrupt, over-opinionated.

19:44 💙Third Eye is located between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. This chakra is the seat of clairvoyance (clear vision), it allows for clear thought, perception, self-reflection, trusting inner guidance, one’s reality & beliefs based on what one chooses to see. When out of balance, you may have poor vision/memory, mental fog & confusion, close-mindedness, a tendency to space out, difficulty recalling your dreams, sleep disturbances.

23:50 💜Crown Chakra is located above the head; it acts as “the bridge to the cosmos”, our spiritual connection, wisdom, universal consciousness, enlightenment. It’s where we connect to the oneness of all things. When out of balance, we may feel self-centeredness, spiritual poverty, low energy, difficulty meditating, difficulty feeling connected, apathy, narrow-mindedness, disconnected from earthly matters.

The wisdom of Reiki always flows for the highest and greatest good. Your openness to receiving this energy will dictate how much energy you receive. What you feel will depend on how sensitive and how your body responds to energy. Some issues or problems are deep-rooted and may take longer to heal. You can mute the video if you prefer. The energy healing is separate from the music.

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✨Thank you to everyone who stumbles upon my channel. May my work bring you much love, peace, and joy.

Reiki Principles
Just for today, I will let go of anger
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will count my many blessings
Just for today, I will work hard with honesty and integrity
Just for today, I will be kind to every living creature

*Disclaimer: Reiki is an alternative holistic modality. Reiki is NOT intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or condition nor substitute any medical treatment. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business, or financial advice.
#reiki #chakras #clearing


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