HELLLOOOO fellow Humans!

This video is about why I am not Reiki anymore, in the way that it was taught to practice.

Most of you know that I have been doing Reiki since 2016 and have been teaching, doing Attunements and living the dream. Reiki has opened up many parts of my body, mind and spirit and will continuously unfold.

I recently did a level 1 Attunement with a lovely soul and if you are a teacher you know that you go through a 21 day cleanse as well, if you know that you also know… that the Attunement opens the third eye. WHICH MEANS EVERY TIME YOU DO AN ATTUNEMENT YOU GET A CLEANSING!!

So as you can imagine, a few days afterward I was hit with a MASSIVE download and now I am shifting and moving to allow the newness to come through!

JUICY BITS: I will be doing Reiki, but I will no longer be offering it in the same way. The one-on-one, 1.5 hour session will be of the past and all of the Reiki love, goodness will be integrating in my programs, workshops and events.

/ S U B S C R I B E.

// F O L L O W
Website | www.reikiwithmariah.com
Instagram | @reiki.mariah
Facebook | Reiki with Mariah


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