Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?


Reiki Classes: If you can not attend direct Reiki classes for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you!

Get Reiki level 1:

Or Reiki level 2:

Learn Trance Healing:

We know your time is valuable, and taking reiki classes can be time consuming.
Reasons for not having the possibility to attend direct Reiki Classes can be for example

– not enough time

– having no possibility to get to a class, because there are no classes near by

– physical problems

– no transportation

just to name a few reasons

Hello and welcome to Reiki level 1!

My name is Lina, you may think I’m a young Reiki teacher, but I’ve practiced Reiki, in Reiki classes, since I was 3 years old, and my mother attuned me when I was just 6!

Reiki has been part of my life ever since then and has helped me a lot growing up.

When I was 18 I did my Reiki masters. I was very passionate in practicing Reiki, and now I’m also ready to teach it. Together with my mom we created this course, and other Reiki classes for you.

Hi, my name is Daniela, and I have taught Reiki classes since 2002 when we lived in Germany. I am so excited to do this course for you, together with my daughter Lina, who will also give you the Distance Attunements for Reiki Level 1.

Reiki level one has traditionally four attunments, but we noticed that lots of online Reiki classes give one attunment for all the Reiki levels! This may be a different style, but we will guarantee you, that you will get four attunments for your Reiki level one. This course provides you with reading material and demonstration videos on how to give Reiki to yourself and others.

I, Lina, will personally do the Distance Attunements for you.

But do Distance Attunements actually work?

A Distance Attunement works on the same principle like the Distance Healing method, that you can learn in Reiki Classes Level 2.

The Master/Teacher uses Reiki Symbols to connect with the student on an energetic level, and does the attunements the same way as if the student would be in front of the teacher.

Based on experience and feedback, there is no difference between receiving attunements in person during Reiki classes, or from the distance.

But still, it is important to know that just receiving the attunements is not enough. It is important to learn the knowledge and principles of Reiki, and to practice on yourself first, before you start to work with others.

Also that distance attunements enable you to practice Reiki, you should make the effort and commitment to go through all the information provided in the course to ensure that you are working in accordance with the principles and methods of Reiki. Our Reiki classes online are just as in depth as our Reiki classes in person.
If you are a motivated individual then you can become a competent Reiki Practitioner after receiving the distance attunemnnts.

This course teaches you everything that we would teach in person.

Do you get an certificate with our Reiki classes online?

At the end you will get a certificate for Reiki level one. This certificate will be send per e-mail as a pdf-file after the attunements.

This course is easy to learn. I like to repeat my mother, she always says “Reiki is simple so keep it simple” And this is what we do in our Reiki classes 🙂

How does it work with our Reiki classes?

Very simple, enrol in the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with me, Lina to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course.

Reiki Classes are great when you take them online. Click now to get this Certified Reiki Level 1 course!


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