Miraculous Money Reiki | Money Reiki Course Online | #reiki #meditation #money #spirituality


Miraculous Money Reiki | Money Reiki Course Online | #reiki #meditation #crystals #spirituality

One Stop Solution to all your financial issues that heals at the root cause of your money energy blocks and unlocks abundance ✨📈

⚡Complete Money Reiki Programme
♦️5 days, 1.5 hrs Live sessions each via Zoom

💠Increases your Earnings
💠 Money Reiki can help you to recover from long term debts and losses.
💠 It can help in getting rid of blockages between money and you due to past life karmas.

The course:
– Abundance blockages and our relationship with money
– Role of Root Chakra in attracting abundance.
-How to activate your Root chakra for wealth creation
-Techniques and methods to welcome abundance and prosperity.
-Money Reiki symbols and how to use them
-Affirmations to become a money magnet
-Use of switch words to attract money and prosperity
-Meditations to manifest abundance
-Money Box with crystals and use of Yantras
-Mind programming Technique
-Third eye reprograming
-Visualization technique

#reiki #meditation #crystals #spirituality #reikienergy #money

Reiki Grandmaster Geeta Sharma is the founder of FaithHealers, the center for mind, body, and soul. She teaches Reiki, Tarot reading, Switchwords, Numerology and Chakra healing, Kundali Vastu, and face-reading, Mantric Healing, and astrology online via zoom.
Geeta offers healing techniques for various problems with Reiki meditation and other holistic healing methods. She discovered the wonderful world of Reiki in 2002.
Geeta uses a combination of ancient healing techniques. She combines Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal healing, dousing, and Tibetan singing bowls, mantric healing to help her clients through their tumultuous phase. She is also an expert numerologist and an astrologer and a Tarot card reader as well. With her Vastu Shastra expertise, she helps in overcoming negative blocks created in life because of Vastu Dosha.

Visit us at
Whatsapp: +91 98 99 678 977
Mail at: faithhealersindia71@gmail.com
Editing by: Himannii
Disclaimer: All videos are for information purposes and hence your doctor’s advice should be followed. The information provided within should not be considered as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. The information contained is not intended for medical advice, but for living a healthy life in general.


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