Kundalini Reiki Millennium Course || कुंडलिनी रेकी मिलेनियम कोर्स || Kundalini Reiki course in India


#KundaliniReikiMillennium Course-
कुंडलिनी #रेकी मिलेनियम कोर्स-
#KundaliniReiki course in India-

What is Kundalini?

Basically, Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have thereby gained access to the Earth’s energy. The Root chakra, which is the energy center located near the coccyx, acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is also referred to as ”the Kundalini Fire”. Hereafter, the energy runs all the way up through the body, through the “main energy channel”, and out of the Crown chakra. This energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts, and the energy channels is obtained. A person who has, or has had problems with wrong Kundalini awakening, or other problems with the Kundalini energy, can usually be helped with Kundalini Reiki.

What is Reiki?

Reiki means “Universal life energy”. You can have access to Reiki via “attunement”. During the attunement, different energy centers (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened. This way you can have access to this energy and channel it through your hands. You can then “switch on” the energy, just by intention. Reiki can also be used on animals, plants, water, etc. Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate your personal development process drastically by opening the Kundalini.

DNA is the physical representation of the Awakened Kundalini energy.

In the new Kundalini Reiki Millenium, an additional 2 energy channels are now further activated!

Starting at the root chakra, these 2 energy pathways are spiraling up and around the spine and out of the crown chakra. These 2 energy channels are often symbolically referred to as the “kundalini snakes”. They don’t have anything to do with snakes, but merely acting as a symbol of the DNA.

When the Kundalini is awakened, including the 2 energy pathways, it activates the DNA, as the awakened Kundalini represents it and is a blueprint of it.

Like a tuning fork, the DNA begins to sing along with the awakened kundalini and becomes activated. As a result, this will help activate hidden gifts, our true potential, and talents from the DNA, forgotten memories and talents from past lives.

The Kundalini Reiki Millennium system is passed on as 1 attunement.

Via the attunement, your chakras, your main energy channel, and your energetic connection to Earth. will be cleansed and enhanced!

The attunement will open the healing channels to allow channeling of Reiki energy.

The 7 chakras will be opened and the Kundalini will be activated! You will have a free flow, running from Earth, up through the Chakras, and out of your Crown Chakra!

Extra included attunements contained in the Kundalini Reiki Millennium system: 1 – Balance, 2 – Diamond Reiki, 3 – Crystalline Reiki, 4 – DNA Reiki, 5 – Birth trauma Reiki, 6 – Location Reiki, 7 – Past Life Reiki.

You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance. You are also taught a specific Kundalini meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place.

You are further taught how to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Millenium system.

Reiki Attunements meditation
Self Healing
Healing others
Distance healing
Cleansing a Room/House
Healing the Karmic Band
Situation/ Qualities healing
Kundalini Reiki Meditation
Diamond Reiki
Crystalline Reiki
DNA Reiki
The Trauma of birth
Location Reiki
Past Life Reiki
How to pass Kundalini reiki attunements.
Manually Kundalini activation.
Kundalini reiki manual

SANJAY SAHA- Reiki Master Teacher, Magnetism Grandmaster, Angel Healer, Spiritual Healer, Mind Programmer, Hypnotherapist, Registered Holy Fire III Reiki® Master Teacher, Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer, Magnified Healer, Motivational Speaker/ Trainer, Life Coach.

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