My 3-Year Journey From Darkness to Light!


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Want to learn more about Human Design Shadow Work?
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As a masterful Human Design Shadow Work Expert, Reiki Master Teacher, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, EFT Master Practitioner, and Level 3 Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, let me show you what I’ve learned about the nature of consciousness, healing, and the human condition. My unique approaches to health, inner peace, and lasting happiness are like express trains to life mastery where you awaken to your full potential and experience your own excellence.

I care deeply about the future wellbeing of women in the world. Women invest their time and resources to learn with me because they are moved by, and aligned with, what I stand for. The core of my work is in helping women heal so they can create a life of freedom as the POWERFUL WOMAN they’re meant to be.

My spiritual name, Gurleen, means “wise teacher who guides others to experience the light of their soul – the one who creates techniques to untie the knots of unawareness.”


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