DAI KO MYO Reiki Master Symbol for Enlightenment, Evolution, SUCCESS, POWER&Positivity#beblessed


The Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo.

At Reiki level 3 the most powerful symbol.has the capability of realigning chakras with the corresponding necessary vibration that your body needs.

It means enlightenment, positive power, and spiritual evolution.

Dai-Ko-Myo connects to the Divine unconditional love,
positive vibration,happiness,peace and love.

Visualizing it within your head creates powerful psychic protection .

It removes residual energies and blockages.

It is used along with all 2nd level symbols for all 7 chakra healing and protection.

Dai-Ko-Myo has multiple purposes – First it is used to pass attunements.  
-Second it is a powerful healing symbol, perhaps the most powerful currently available to us.  
-Third, it can be used to cleanse and charge crystals and other objects.   


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