Working With Energy, Light, and Earth: A Discussion With the Wise Women of Athens


We all have individualized and unique paths to the sacred. This connection can be experienced in many ways, including energetic, vibrational, visual, emotional, auditory, and/or with nature. Two teachers and healers from Athens, GA will join us for an informal discussion regarding the nature of their diverse spiritual practices, insights and stories from their work, and tips and tricks that will enrich and expand your sense of your existence as a
spiritual being.

Christy Gray is a beloved healer, teacher, convener of seekers, and wise woman. She holds space in circles, with drums, divining, in vision, with nature, and most of all, with good humor, great humility, and lots of love.
Kim Naugle Long is a Holy Fire Reiki Master/Teacher, Sound Therapy practitioner, and spiritual counselor. Her passion is helping clients to reconnect to their powerful energy flow & help them to let go of resisting emotions, embrace feeling the current & flow of energy they contain for a grounded & empowered sense of self.


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