VORTEX ACTIVATIONS; Guided Meditation/Energy Healing/Prayers for Mother Earth


Join us in this powerful time for vortex activations through guided meditation, energy healing and frequency channeling with the help of the Archangels and The Master Teachers. We’ve just received the biggest energetic upgrades on the planet of our lifetimes (with more to follow) and now is the time to anchor in the new energies and activate and balance the chakra/glanular systems. Starseeds, empaths, lightworkers and spiritually awakening people, this is YOUR time! Join us and Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael (and others) for this powerful frequency work to inject positive energy into the collective and to Mother Gaia to help humanity heal, empower and grow and help us come together as a community to help make a difference. As conscious community we can open portals, change time lines and allow the mass awakening to happen as smoothly and positively as possible.

We’ve just received the biggest energetic upgrades on the planet of our lifetimes (with more to follow) and now is the time to anchor in the new energies and activate and balance the chakra/glanular systems. Starseeds, empaths, lightworkers and spiritually awakening people, this is YOUR time! We will do channeling, activations and light language with The Master Teachers to adjust our fields to the intense energies of this portal opening and balance the Heart, Throat and Third eye Chakas (Thymus, thyroid and Pineal glands) balance and activations.
It’s SHOW TIME…big transformation begins. Welcome to our Weekly Tarot Cards Reading, Psychic Readings, Full Moon Forecast, Psychic Forecast and ascension update, for the summer solstice and powerful New Moon in Gemini opposing the galactic center ….and the powerful astrology and Numerology this week of June 18-24 …also the June Energy Update and Angel Messages for the week. Every Sunday we do Tarot Readings focusing on Spirituality for our messages and guidance in our time of spiritual awakening. Plus we’ll draw a meditation card for the week and tips from the Tarot. And we’ll end with a message from our totem Animal Guides and our Angels. There is a great awakening…a shift that is happening with some powerful astrological alignments. It’s going to be the most important times in our lives so with that we will do a reading for the entire week so that Spirit may tell us what we need to know.

Focusing on Spirituality and evolution we are in The Journey of Awakening and it’s a crazy world out there so I hope to provide some clarity, insights and “heads up” as we watch the world change. We will look into the trends in the collective and see what we can pick up on and predict. As well I will provide a brief tutorial on Tarot Cards for those interested in learning more about the ancient and mystical Tarot as well as those who read the cards or want to learn. The Medium Channel is about psychic mediumship and the spirituality behind it, including law of attraction/manifestation processes that work ..let’s grow, expand, awaken, create conscious community and make a difference. I offer this weekly program with love and gratitude for you and for Spirit.

YOUR STAR-GUIDES AND ASCENDED MASTERS HAVE IMPORTANT MESSAGES FOR YOU…here’s how to receive them and what is going on with the spike in UFO sightings, contacts etc.


HERE’S MY MOST EFFECTIVE ABUNDANCE MEDITATION TO DATE..according to YOU….augmented with frequencies by The Master Teachers! check it out here:

IT’S EXTRATERRESTRIAL MONTH on “Spirit Mind Family”! Our inner core community on Patreon. We also do accelerated ascension work with The Master Teachers as well as Uncensored exclusive live videos, Q&A and meditations and videos not found anywhere else. Want to learn more? check out Spirit Mind Family here:

For Readings, services and low cost trainings (we have about 35 on file on a variety of spiritual subjects): info@adambetweentheworlds.com

email: info@adambetweentheworlds.


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