Let Animals Lead® Animal Reiki: Tips for letting animals teach us!


Being PRESENT is one of the greatest ways we can learn from the wisdom of our animals and allow animals to be our teachers.

If we’re distracted or on our phones, we can’t pay attention to what our animals are doing—their sounds, body language, and mannerisms. And, if you’ve ever watched a dog engage with the world while on a walk, you’ll understand how much you will miss if you’re not actively cultivating presence with your pooch.

Same goes for any animals you encounter—in the wild or in your work or just around your neighbourhood. Making an effort to be in the moment is how we learn from animals. We have to pay attention to pick up the lessons of their innate wisdom.

So next time you’re around animals, put your phone away, come out of your head and sink into your heart, and just watch them do their thing.

It will teach you profound lessons about life.

Learn more about our Animal Reiki method and how we listen to animals at or


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