Balance | Reiki Meditation Healing | Self Reiki | Oxford House | Guided Meditation | Chakra Clearing


Balance. Reiki brings balances you–your heart, your body, and your mind. Let go of anxiety. Reiki “reduces pain, anxiety, and depression, and improves self-esteem and quality of life for patients,” according to a 2018 compilation of 18 research studies by the National Institutes of Health. Reiki uses Higher Power energy to heal your body, clear your mind, and increase your well-being in-person AND virtually. Let Reiki gently, yet powerfully get you back to the REAL Radiant You on Sundays from 5-6PM. Get your Zoom link at

Oxford House sponsors this program to offer many modalities of healing to those in recovery of alcohol and drug addiction. Oxford House provides over 2,000 democratically run, self-supporting and drug free homes across the U.S.

Led by Reiki Master, Wendy Wisner. She is an Spiritual Energy Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, intuitive, and educator. Learn more about Wendy or receive a healing at: Wendy offers a variety of workshops including a Usui Reiki 1: Day of Self-Healing Certification
Click this link to sign-up and learn more:

#Intuitiveenergyhealing #ReikiMaster #Chakrahealing #spiritualhealer #Selfempowerment #Radiantyourhealing #Stress #Anxiety #Addictionrecovery #Recovery #Healing #Reiki #Energyhealing #Intuitiveenergyhealing #Evidencebased #Scienceproven #Energyclearing #Spiritual #Health #Mindfulness #OxfordHouse #Reikihealing #SelfReikihealing #guidedmeditation


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