#reiki #reikihealing #energyhealing
Reiki is an energy system, originally from Japan. REI means Universal, and KI means Life force energy.
This is a Reiki healing for good luck.
This energy transmission will clear away blocks and open you to the energy of luck, good fortune, blessings and miracles.
Reiki will start flowing as soon as the video starts, and it will keep flowing until the video stops.
You can watch the video as many times as you like. You can watch with or without sound – whichever you prefer.
You do not have to do anything special to receive the Reiki energy, just be open to receive.
Keep your arms and legs uncrossed while the Reiki energy flows to you.
Reiki can only do good, and not harm in any way.
Reiki is never meant to substitute medical treatment in any way, shape or form.
Royalty Free Music | Silence and Everything It, Meditation
Composer: Sam abbas