Change Your Story, Change Your Life: Tips & Meditation w/ Special Guest, Dr. Scott Lampshire, D.C.


Ready to Escape Suffering? – Learn how to use any crisis to generate more consciousness so the magic of your NOW allows you to step into the zero point of transformation — your power place of sovereignty. Listen in as I interview Dr. Scott Lampshire, D.C. who shares tips on how to Escape Suffering and step into Self Empowerment.

#MichelleSkaletskiBoyd #SFW #soulfelt #SFJ

Hypnotherapist, Best-Selling Author, and Intuitive Medium Michelle Skaletski-Boyd helps you Fully Connect With Your Higher Self so You Feel More Fully Balanced and Complete.

Learn more about Michelle Skaletski-Boyd at

Specials thanks to Pexels creators for assisting with photo and video creations.
Michelle lee Skaletski-Boyd is a Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist and long-standing member of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, a Reiki Master Teacher, and an Intuitive Medium. After graduating with honors at an accredited private college in Wisconsin, Michelle climbed the corporate ladder and mazed her way through a career path of working for both traditional and online advertising agencies as well a Fortune 500 and the nation’s largest privately-held telecommunications company where she led and managed key accounts.

Michelle is the best-selling author of a self-help sequel, “Words for the Soul: Heaven-Sent Life Lessons and Conversations with God” and the inspirational adventure novelist of Silas’ Motorcycle Miracle.

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Disclaimer: Though, I am certified with the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association, I am not a doctor nor should this or any part of this experience be construed as medical or psychological advice. And although I am a Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist by profession, I am not your hypnotherapist and no hypnotherapist-client relationship is established with you in any way. This audio &/or video, and the ideas presented in it, are for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as medical, financial, or legal advice.


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