Pleiadian DNA Upgrade and Soul Guidance Reiki | Theta Waves Meditation


This is Reiki healing for Pleiadian DNA Upgrade and Soul Guidace.
Let the beautiful, strong, and emapthic understanding from the Pleiadiens to fill you up and upgrade your dorment angelic human DNA.

When I received this energy my crown was filled with energy, and when transferring this to this video I felt my middle finger tips prickling, because that point in the body is associated with the head. I love when this happens because I know the energy is working.

I hope you enjoy this!

Blessed be,
Truth Remedy.

#starseeds #dna #pleiadians

My videos contains Reiki, a form of alternative medicine. However, they are not intended to replace other forms of healthcare. Please use the content at your own discretion and consult a qualified healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

Image: Marco Milanesi via

Music: Heavy Rain with Heavy Wind and Theta Waves for Relaxation from


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