What is Pranic Healing, John Seelye, Certified Anusara Teacher, Samudra Shakti Online


John Seelye, Certified Anusara Teacher, introduces theory and descriptions for Pranic healing. As well, John shares practices to develop an awareness of this energy in ourselves.

Pranic Healing is a no-touch energy-based therapy that uses Prana, Chi or Body’s Life Energy to improve health, be it physical or psychological. Pranic Healing as a science was developed and introduced in 1987 by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, through the publication of a book called “The Ancient Science and art of Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing Uses The Natural Laws
Pranic Healing is described as the science and art of using energy to heal the body. All things are made of energy. Yet if there are disturbances to the energy bodies of an individual, ‘dis-ease’ will follow. What Pranic Healing does is to cleanse, energize and balance the energy systems, thereby promoting wellness and good health on all levels … physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Pranic Healing is based upon the natural laws of the universe.

The Law of Self Recovery
The human body is capable of healing itself in ways that are imperceptible to us. Even if you suffer from a minor wound or have a high fever, your body will heal itself eventually. However, Pranic Healing can hasten this process, using prana to increase the speed of recovery.

The Law of Life Force
The human body needs life energy (prana) to exist. For physical life to continue, it must have this life force. By increasing the energy of an affected part, the healing process is accelerated.

With a recognition that we are called to serve the greater good of humanity, we make the connection that our personal individual growth leads to our expanded capacity to serve others. Together, we’ll explore ideas to find Grace and beauty in this moment as we enjoy community, connection, and collaboration.

Learn more at

Recorded via Zoom on April 10, 2022

#anusara #prana #pranahealing #healingjourney


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