Day 5: Daily Devotion | Reiki & Quantum Movement Therapy


Day 5: Daily Devotion | Reiki & Quantum Movement Therapy

This Daily Devotion is my commitment to myself and my community. Thank you for allowing me to share this gift with you.

Join me every day for the next 30 days at 12pm EST on Instagram for a daily devotion of Reiki and Quantum Movement Therapy. *Time subject to change.

Our next Reiki I & II training and certification is Sep 23rd & 24th. Use code REIKI22 for 22% off.

Visit our site to schedule an individual session with me at my private wellness studio in Brooklyn, NY.

Many blessings to you!

#reikihealing #reiki #soundhealing #quantumhealing #quantumleap #motherwound #fatherwound #energyshift #energyalchemy #energymedicine #energyhealing #reikimasternyc #reikimasterteacher #lightworker #lightcodes


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