Audrey Yagalla: Reiki Master, Theta Healing & Abuse Survivor | The Metaphysical Mysteries Podcast


Introducing our guest: Audrey Yagalla on The Metaphysical Mysteries Podcast. Audrey is from Pennsylvania and is a Reiki master, has been certified through NLP, and theta healing. She has also done shamanistic practices, such as working with runes. Overall, Audrey is a writer, healer, and a sage.

Audrey has recently released a book titled “Out of The Shadows”. Through “Out of The Shadows”, Audrey is stepping out of her comfort zone and telling her truth. Her voice will no longer be silent. “Out of The Shadows” is about a journey to healing and a path that is a “straight line” was never a straight line”. It had bumps along the way, spirals, and lots of onion peeling. It’s all about the modalities that Audrey used to get where she is today. In doing the path to healing, she has also learned the path so she can help others.

Purchase “Out of The Shadows”:

“…I no longer considered my progress toward greater understanding of myself as “work,” since the word work has some negative connotations for our society; instead, I considered it movement toward something greater.”

“Out of the Shadows”
Chapter Six: Healing Begins in Earnest

Audrey Yagalla : Author, Healer, Sage

Phone:(570) 718-8319

***About The Metaphysical Mysteries Podcast ***

The Metaphysical Mysteries Podcast is the “go-to” place for everything metaphysical. We feature guests such as researchers, doctors, authors, scientists, and practitioners. Each podcast offers high-quality research about metaphysical topics. We will be revealing secrets and unveiling mysterious data in the metaphysical field.

Podcasts are 45 minutes long and we post new podcasts twice a month. The Metaphysical Mysteries live casts 4 times a year.

Topics covered in podcasts: Healings, ghosts, energy, astral travel, remote view, clairvoyant categories, research, angels, demons, reiki, dreams and visions, tuning forks, and sound therapy, mediums, and psychic personalities.


The Metaphysical Mysteries Podcast | Audrey Yagalla | Survivor of Abuse | Theta Healing | Reiki Master | Reiki | Shamanic Healing | NLP | Neuro-Linguistic Programming | Akashic Record Reader


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