Reiki ❤️


#reiki #energy #healing #reikihealing
Universal Life Force Energy flows through all Life, there is no beginning or end to this energy. Reiki Energy can be accessed in a powerful and intentional way for the purpose of healing the body and mind.
💕Join us in this special class with PowerPoint presentation, as we journey into the original teachings of The Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing and learn, how Reiki can help you in many way, backed by medical studies and science.

“Overcome any limitation to create the life you have always wanted using universal life force energy and the original intention of Reiki to guide you. Open the door to it’s healing benefits to bring about positive change in your life.”
What you’ll find out:
How REIKI works.
Why/How is it so effective for so many.
How can Reiki help you, whether as a practitioner or a client.
The Science and Studies behind Reiki – Reiki’s positive effect on the physical mental and emotional health.

Now, it’s up to you to decide whether you’d like to experience the positive effects of Reiki.

💕Cassaundra would also like to invite you to book a private Reiki session at your own convenience.

Perhaps you want to take your Reiki experience to the next level by choosing to learn the healing art of REIKI (in a certified training course) and treat yourself.

💕The Healing Art of Reiki Level I, II, and III/Master Level
Comprehensive Training Courses that give you all of the tools you need to preform powerful Reiki Sessions on yourself and others.
Reiki is a simple system with huge effects. Reiki isn’t just a way to heal the physical body, it’s perfect for increasing your increasing your intuition and awareness too.
~ Private Certified Reiki Training Courses offered on our website

~ Public Online Certified Training courses offered at LearnItLive

💕Clinical Studies have documented the effect of Reiki on measures of stress hormones, blood pressure, heart rate, and immune responsivity, and on subjective reports of anxiety, pain and depression; data from these studies support the ability of Reiki to reduce anxiety, stress and pain, and suggest its usefulness to induce relaxation, improve fatigue and depressive symptoms, and strengthen overall wellbeing, including wound healing. Additionally, Reiki is being utilized as a self-care strategy among healthcare professionals, with the potential for decreasing burnout and increasing job satisfaction.

💕We all deserve to live our best lives, therefore our goal and deepest intention has been for people to find that inner connection, worth and value, and to feel the peace and happiness that they deserve. We are committed to this goal and your Journey into whole Wellness.

💕Thank you so much for being here, and may the blessing of the light always be yours.

**The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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