Reiki Energy Healing to Clear Pain Bodies From The Earth.


Press Play and let Reiki Energy heal any pain bodies in and around your life. Spazz attack? Left over trauma? Loser ghost/person haunting your hood? Old friend with flawed inlaws love leaving you looking aggravated? Reiki can help with that. Healing at its root cause cuz you don’t need any hoopla. No more smash it up on the physical plane, let loose particles find mates: there’s a time for coal and there’s a time for diamonds. 🙂

Be open to receiving the healing and Reiki will be open to healing you.

Feel free to minimize the window and do something else while Reiki is playing or let the history of your life’s mystery tell you its tales as Reiki shifts that which ails.

Heart Rawk Reiki! Hurray!

Thanks, Reiki! You’re the best! ❤️

Please drink a nice tall glass of water after the session. Helps heal body tissue and settle in the healing effects. Water! The Elixer Of Life.

For one on one distance Reiki sessions for you or your pet, please visit:

Feel free to play the video as many times as you like, should you be the most popular person around or the most telecasting. Pain away! Happy days.

Rawk on,

💖 Karen
The best one.


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