Reiki healing to clear financial blocks


The intention of this distant Reiki energy healing is to assist you with clearing any negative energy blocks around finances, your sense of abundance and prosperity that you have from trauma or disempowering childhood beliefs.

This Reiki energy healing will start clearing any disempowering beliefs that you may still hold to allow you to open up to receive positive energy into your energy field and release any trauma around abundance, prosperity and finances.

Listen to it as many times as you feel the need. Come back to this Reiki energy healing from time to time as emotions will be triggered the more you begin to heal. Trust your intuition. You will know.

Reiki always works for your highest good and never harms. Be open to receiving this beautiful healing energy. The infinite wisdom of Reiki flows where it needs to go, affecting all aspects of your being.

You may wish to put a question out there what do I need to know? What do I need to hear? And then just allow yourself to receive. Focus on your solar plexus area just on your diaphragm and allow yourself to welcome this Reiki energy healing that is being sent to you to release long-held beliefs or trauma beliefs surrounding finances, abundance and prosperity.

After listening drink plenty of water. Give yourself time to integrate the Reiki healing energy into your being.

I would encourage you to listen to this Reiki healing energy repeatedly as it can have accumulative effects. It is trusting in the unknown and unseen.

You will be initially taken into a beautiful space and then I will go silent as I send this Reiki out to you. You will receive no matter when you see this as the intention has been set for this to happen.

You will hear gentle background music to enhance your experience and promote deeper relaxation.

Whilst receiving this Reiki healing it is highly recommended you don’t do operate any machinery or be driving. Find a quiet place where you can truly absorb what you need trusting that you will.

This is not a substitute for financial advice or trauma healing. This is an adjunct only. Another way to support yourself.

To know more about Reiki, here is the link to What is Reiki?

Subscribe to my channel to receive more information on how to support yourself with trauma healing through connection with your chakras, tapping, meditation, and Akashic Records.

Hello and welcome to Unfold Your Freedom, my name is Chantal.

I support women in business who are working through trauma using both practical and esoteric tools to help them gain clarity and understanding to arrive at their own answers in life and gain inner strength through a combination of Akashic Record Readings, psychotherapy and energy healing modalities.

You sought therapy, different healing modalities, and started your healing journey. And you now feel more complete. You are ready to thrive, but you are unsure of your next steps. The answer is within you. Our work together is to bring that answer forward.

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