Reiki Healing to Release Resentment with Aquamarine Crystal ❤️‍🩹


Resentment can come in many forms. At times we might not be aware of how we behave or react, because of underlying resentment, which in turn creates negative emotional experiences.

We might sabotage relationships this way. It´s very unfortunate that something like this should destroy an otherwise good relationship, but it happens.

When we don´t voice our feelings it will eventually build up inside, which in-turn creates unbalance in the energy system, thus causing dis-ease.

Small things become big things. We blame others for not seeing what we see. We encase ourselves in a cocoon of protection because we don’t want to get hurt. As resentment grows, our cocoon becomes thicker and harder to escape.

We create our reality with how we feel, how feel about ourselves, others, and, the world around us. If we carry loads of baggage, we can never settle, never feel safe. What’s underneath will always come up, no matter how far we throw it away.

Most of us are so used to being in survival mode that we don’t even recognize that we are until we’re free from the stress. If this release is something positive, that brings health and joy it´s worth pursuing. On the other hand, it can be something negative like drug abuse, alcohol addiction, etc., which will escalate the underlying problems further.

Over time, we can come to resent ourselves, disguised as anger toward others, because we´re unable to forgive. We might be unable to forgive ourselves for getting into this or that in the first place, and thus we can’t move forward. We can only see the flaws of the outside world, and the people in our lives, running away from ourselves.

The first step is to accept the situation. Then, we can move forward. We can figure out why we´re feeling what we do. To be able to do this, we have to let go. Let go of the resistance to change. After that, the resentment will lose its tight grip, and we give ourselves a chance.

This video will help you release resentment in all forms, though your body, mind, and soul. This will work across all time, space, and dimensions. All you need is an intention, or simply let it flow. Reiki is intelligent and know where it is needed.

I ´ve added Aquamarine Crystal here for a soothing effect. This crystal works with the troth chakra and can therefore help to release blocks in this area.

“Aquamarine is known for calming and soothing your subconscious. It helps release resentments, past fears, and bad emotional patterns. Aquamarine helps bring clarity to your thoughts by decluttering your mind and helping it detach from anything that promotes negative energies. It promotes tranquillity and balance, which helps reduce stress and release resentments. ”

– Jen Broyles

☆ Play as much as you need
☆ Relax and let the energy flow trough you
☆ No sound needes

Best Regards,
Truth Remedy


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