What am I offering in Reiki Training that I am not seeing elsewhere ? How is it supporting students?


Thank you, Tad Hargrave @marketingforhippies , I love learning from you.
Thank you for your reflective questions, “What am i offering or saying which i am not seeing or hearing elsewhere? ”

I reflected on this several times over the last few years .
I took on board my findings, and hence, my Reiki level 1 Trainings have changed from weekend teachings to 3 days over several weeks , offering students a much more supportive and integrative way of learning both online & in-person.
I have yet to see this way of teaching offered elsewhere.

Additionally, in my Animal Reiki Trainings, students are learning basic principles of animal communication, which is hugely beneficial to their animal in terms of choice, agency, and autonomy .
This leads to a greater understanding between human & Animal around needs and emotions whilst deepening their connections and facilitating healing for both.

Reach out to ask me a question or further details on upcoming courses and dates.

Warmly Elle ๐Ÿ’š

Thank you, Fiona @fiona.artofsati, for your beautiful art.


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