HARTH Karuna Reiki Healing Symbol for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, compassion, JOY & healing


Harth Karuna Reiki Symbol known as the symbol of unconditional love.

Drawing will bring the energy of love and compassion to any specific area.

It can be used to create a balance, love, truth, harmony, and beauty.

Apply Harth On Sacral / Swadhisthan Chakra for emotional healing from suppressed past and present traumas and blockages.

Apply on Heart / Anahata Chakra for healing problems
relating to the cardiovascular issues.

Use it on the crown, third eye, and the heart chakras. chakras for intuition, unconditional and divine love.

Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Shika Sei Ki + Harth + Dai Ko Myo is the sequence to apply the reiki symbols.


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