Group Reiki Healing and Afterlife Q & A


During these turbulent times, everyone can benefit from receiving Reiki healing! Join Pam and Alan Johnson as they conducted an interdimensional group Reiki healing that included passing a Reiki attunement so you can practice self-care.

Pam and Alan call their healing ‘interdimensional’ since Alan works from his vantage point on the other side.

Following the group healing, they answered questions submitted in the chat room about the afterlife including questions on how to navigate otherworldly relationships.

For over 35 years Pam and Alan have worked with thousands of clients and students from around the world as spiritual teachers, Reiki healers, psychic mediums, and conscious channels.

Their mission is to help souls on both sides of the veil make contact so they can continue to love and live together with grace, ease, and joy.

If you’re interested in learning more about life after death including how to connect to a loved one on the other side, join Pam and Alan’s free Facebook group, Supernatural Love and Life After Death where she shares her ongoing journey to experience and share her life with her husband Alan through the veil between the two worlds.


Pam and Alan Johnson are the authors of the soon-to-be-published book, Supernatural Love, a True Story of Life and Love After Death, scheduled to be published in the latter part of 2022.

Their mission is to tear down the veil between Heaven and Earth so that the two worlds become one.

One Love.
One World.
At last.

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