Unlocking The Secrets Of The Akashic Records


The Akashic Records are my favourite modality that I now work with, they feel like home to me!

In this episode we’ll cover the basics of what the records are and are not, how most people get misinformation about the records because they end up in a fake version, why I think everyone should be accessing their records-especially with the trying times we live in.

We’ll also cover what a reading looks like and the type of questions to ask and how clearing work happens within the records.

As always take what resonates and leave the rest.

If you resonated with this episode, please like, comment below, subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss any episodes, and share it with a friend or fellow starseed that may love to hear it.

If you are interested in my work check out the links below and how you can work with me 1:1 or through energy healing trainings.

Akashic record reading-
Akashic record clearing-
Multidimensional session-
Reiki/sound healing session-

Ray of light energy healing training-

Thanks for joining me, see you in the next video.

Much love
Kirsty xoxo

#akashicrecords #5thdimension #spiritualdevelopment #energyhealing #akashicrecordsreadings


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