Reiki Activation for Cleansing and Renewal | Under 10 minutes


Reiki aids in healing mentally, physically, and energetically. The body’s capacity for healing is incredible when we allow it. For this, the body benefits from being in a state of homeostasis. It is my highest honor to guide you through this distance session.

I try to facilitate a LIVE virtual community Reiki healing and meditation once per month, usually on the first Monday of the month. 6 PM US Pacific Time. Please check out my LIVE tab to be notified of upcoming sessions and check out the replays:

DISCLAIMER: Reiki is a complementary energy modality. Reiki should not be used to replace care and advice from a licensed mental or medical health professional. Reiki and meditation videos and audio should not be watched or listened to while driving or operating machinery.

DONATE: Tips and gratuity gratefully accepted here –

BOOK: Book with me 1:1 at


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