IG Live: Full moon meditation with timeless Reiki healing ๐ŸŒ•


Meditation has become a big part of my life over the last couple years. I used to never meditate because I didnโ€™t understand what it was or how to do it.

Since Iโ€™ve begun my practice, my mind is clearer, my days flow much smoother, and the little things in life no longer bother me.

I wanted to share my newfound love of meditation with you so I asked my friend and energy healer, Jane Elizabeth, to go on Instagram Live with me for a full moon meditation.

You can use this anytime of the month when you need to let go of anything that is bothering you and no longer serving you. Jane also added in some free and timeless Reiki healing at the end.

Jane Elizabethโ€™s Instagram:

Miracles: www.miraclesdubai.com


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