Abraham Hicks First Live Seminar 2023 | 3 Tips To Get Into Receiving


Abraham Hicks First Live Seminar 2023 | 3 Tips To Get Into Receiving


Do you want to learn my step by step process on how to change your physical appearance overnight plus how to manifest anything? In my Facial Course and 4 Week Program, I will share with you how I look young at 47 years of age.

You will learn how to manifest your face to look at you want plus my step by step process on how manifest using law of attraction. I will share the biggest mistakes that people make and how you can manifest big in 2023.

I will share my insider tips on how I manifested 3 dream homes in plus 4 dream cars including 2 brand new Porsches. Sign up with Cosmetic Energy Healing® Facial Course and you will receive complimentary access to the 4 week program.


🌟 Cosmetic Energy Healing® Facial Course🌟

Learn all of Lily’s beauty secrets on she looks young at 47 years of age. In this course, you will learn how to perform a Cosmetic Energy Healing® facial on yourself to change your physical appearance overnight from

Bonus: Sign up now and join Lily for 4 weekly group coaching calls where she will answer questions and mentor you. You will have a chance to ask questions and clarify the method plus techniques. You will come out of this course confidently performing energy healing on yourself.


Lily has created a vegan, natural and organic clean beauty skincare line that is is infused with her magical Cosmetic Energy Healing®. Brahmi products are made with high quality ingredients and essential oils without sEach product is infused with an individual intention to help you manfest your beauty.

BRAHMI 11:11 Balm
Get rid of the 11 lines between your eyebrows. Apply this balm twice a day to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows plus awaken your third eye and connect with your angels and guided. This is a great balm to use before meditation and is a natural alternative to botox.

BRAHMI Divine Rose Lip Treatment
Get naturally plumper lips with this hydrating lip balm that adds colour to your lips. This balm is a great alternative to fillers and you will get plumper, fuller lips while getting a pouty mouth. A great natural alternative to lip injections.

BRAHMI Divine Rose Cream
Daily Moisturizer with Cosmetic Energy Healing® that gives the appearance of younger looking glowing skin. Great facial massage cream that lifts and tightens the face and neck.

BRAHMI Divine Rose Face Serum
This face serum is great for adding moisture to dry skin and giving the appearance of a face and neck lift. It naturally hydrates skin and tightens and lifts. I love to use this serum on my neck as it prevents turkey neck and lifts and tighten sagging turkey neck skin.


🧘🏽‍♀️ Download my Free Beauty Meditation 🧘🏽‍♀️
This guided meditation, rejuvenates the cells and transforms your beauty as you sleep. Infused with Cosmetic Energy Healing®, this meditation gives the appearance of looking younger glowing skin.

Private Sessions with Lily
Cosmetic Energy Healing® sessions for natural beauty treatments. Lily performs everything that plastic surgery can do but using only enery healing. She can naturally reverse aging and reshape the body. She performs plastic surgery using only her hands. This natural alternatives to plastic surgery, is safe and doesn’t use filler, harmful chemicals, Lily offers private sessions in person in Whistler, Canada and online.

🪷 Facial Beauty Meditations 🪷
These 12 guided meditations focus on a specific area of the face to transform your beauty. These meditations are Infused with Cosmetic Energy Healing® which flip’s the cells switch from degeneration to regeneration allowing you to manifest your body and beauty.


Lily Chandra

#lilychandra #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #cosmeticenergyhealing #beauty #facial #energyhealingcourses


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