Abundance Meditation | Reiki Healing and Guided Meditation to Activate Abundance


This deep healing session includes a Reiki energy healing transmission, a 963 HZ solfeggio sound bath, and a guided meditation, all focused on reprogramming your mindset for money and financial abundance. The energy transmission coming through these sessions supports your alignment with the energy of abundance.

Meant to be used dailyβ€”and to become your powerhouse tool for epic shiftsβ€”this session will help you align with abundance at a deep level.

All you have to do is relax and follow along. Each session includes a breathing exercise for deep relaxation, a series that connects and expands your energy, and a guided visualization and affirmation series. A 963 HZ Solfeggio tone is also included; this frequency is associated with awakening, miracles, and oneness with the universe.




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Hey new friend!

I’m an energy healing practitioner, helping you release anything that keeps you from living your highest potential.

After my own winding transformational journey, I share guidance to help you live from the power within your consciousness.

My message is this: There’s more for you. More abundance, more joy, more fulfillment, more love, more laughter, and more opportunities. And it’s my goal to help you experience it.

Subscribe and join in to learn more about energy healing, living your quantum self, the expansion of consciousness, activating your highest potential, manifesting, tapping into the flow of abundance, soul growth, creativity, and spiritual awakening.


INSTAGRAM: @hillarybassettross


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