Advanced Reiki Training Guided by Billie Topa Tate


Wonderful opportunity to learn from a Reiki 8th degree master teacher. This one day Reiki Intensive is filled with endless knowledge to enhance your Reiki training but also provides great insight on how the universe works. This training intensive is being offered to all reiki levels with knowledge of the 5 reiki symbols.

This training provides a 3rd eye attunement. a step by step guideline on how to administer this attunement for yourself with protocols from Billie Topa Tate.

Psychic Attack Wisdom – Prevention & Solutions. Billie reviews why they happen, how to prevent them, symptoms, and resolution techniques for yourself, family and clients. This segment is designed to understand the dynamics of energy and removing harmful influences . Also, powerful tools that can help our daily activities be clean of interfering energy

Reiki and Crystal Wisdom – This segment provides mystical instruction on the crystal kingdom, using crystals for energy work, protection, hand chakras dynamics. information on the crystal kingdom as it relates to the indigenous people. The various usages of crystals. the protocol of powerful crystals. crystal programing and de-programing crystals. Crystals for healing work.

Shamanic Reiki – Wisdom instruction on how to use the elements of nature to facilitate healing energy, protection energy and learn how to navigate and combine with shamanic and reiki energy. Thorough training which includes the beginning stories of the shaman and how the shaman works with the natural world. Techniques are provided to facilitate shamanic energy into your reiki table sessions, distant healing and self care.

Pre-Requisite: Billie Topa Tate will teach this intensive to all reiki students who have the general working knowledge of Reiki and the 5 basic symbols. Call for details 847-866-0505.

This Training is Available. In-Person and Online Live . Video Recording

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