Amaxophobia Fear of Driving car, vehicle driving stress anxiety panic attacks , allow Reiki to assist you with your challenge for driving vehicle car. Reiki allows you to gain self acceptance confidence clarity for driving.Bringing in peace clarity and wellness, driving vehicle with reiki blessings by you.
Emotional stability, Vision healing, confidence, Reiki finds its way wherever needed in your life.
The best part of Reiki healing is it brings assistance for health wealth and prosperity continuing to Heal whatever your intentions are.
Play the video regularly meditating on the energy symbols daily morning, before you start driving vehicle car. do not play or watch this video while driving. You can also loop the video in the beginning Days to get attuned to the flow of energy. Consecutive 24 days each morning for best results. Later you can play the video anytime you are free to be connected to the reiki. This meditation acts as reminder for your mind and body spirit.
Remember Reiki is not a replacement to medical conditions.
Amaxophobia Fear of Driving Car Vehicle Phobia Assistance Reiki healing arts meditation