Angel Reiki Healing: Free Distance Healing


Angel Reiki Healing: Free distance healing
By Margaret @Heal this Life NZ
Angel Therapist & Reiki practitioner

“I call on the Angels, the Archangels and the Guardian angels of all the viewers who ask to receive the Angel Reiki distance healing.
I ask that the Angel Reiki Healing bring Love, Joy and Blessings to all viewers with ‘Angel Love and Light.
I ask to stay in my higher self so I know, feel, see and hear the messages from the Angels.”
And so it is. Amen. MHH😇

In Angelic Reiki, the healing is done by the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The angelic vibrations bring focused energy as pure, gentle and soothing and are an extension of God and/or the divine creator’s source.

Receiving the Angel Reiki Distance Healing. Set your intention for receiving the Angel Reiki.
Get yourself comfortable in a place were you will not be disturbed.

Say out loud or mentally
“Angels please come to me, angels please come to me, angels please come to me.”

“I am now ready to receive Angel Reiki Healing energy and I ask the Angels to send me now” (x3)(and or date and time of your choosing)

Say, “I thank the angels for being here today. I thank the Archangels for being here today. I thank my higher self for being here today” (x3)

The Angel Reiki will heal you over the next 24 hours. Relax and drink plenty of water and let the Angels heal you with their Love & Light.

Angels are all around us but unseen by most people. Angels are spiritual messengers from God our divine creator. They do God’s bidding on Earth. They are a way that we can communicate to God the divine creator. Angels are not specific to any particular religion but to the divine presence.

The difference between Angel Reiki and other Reiki traditions is the angels and their vibrations are an extension of God and/or the divine creator’s source.

How Angel Reiki differs from Basic Reiki
Angel Reiki is slightly different to basic Reiki in that the angels are present. The angels provide their light and energy to heal.

The Difference between Angelic Reiki and Regular Reiki
There are a few differences in traditional Reiki and Angelic Reiki. In Angelic Reiki:
* ī‚ˇ  All the attunements and healings are done through the power of the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
* ī‚ˇ  Angelic Reiki intimately merges the person with the angels through the angelic light.
* ī‚ˇ  By knowing the angels, it bring us into the sphere of the divine self or God.
* ī‚ˇ  Angelic Reiki brings a new paradigm in the understanding of our evolutionary journey and thus creates the potential for deeper healing.


Angel Healing Therapist & CACR
Certified and licensed. 😇🙏đŸŊ💖✨

Angel Reiki & Prayer infused distance healing😇🙏đŸŊ

Do you want to connect with the Angels and have Angel Healing Therapy?

I invoke the Angels, your Guardian angel(s) and the Archangels for Angel Healing Therapy.

If you want to have healing with the Angels and you want to Incorporate daily prayers, Reiki, meditation, visualization and affirmations, then email me at or call 027 2253273


Heal Your Life Life-Coach and Workshops
Certified and Licensed since 2012 & 2013

Inspire Support Empower

Based on Louise Hay’s book
‘You Can Heal Your Life’

If you want to have Life-Coaching using the teachings and techniques of Louise Hay to make positive changes in your life and to achieve your goals, and or you want to do your own self-healing and you want to Incorporate daily prayers, Reiki, meditation, visualization and affirmations
then email me at
or call 027 2253273

Assertiveness Coaching by Hay House and Doreen Virtue
Certified and Licensed since 2015

Nutritional Diploma(s) Education and Certification
The Shaw Academy 2015 & 2016

Naturopath Diploma
Centre of Excellence: IAHT and IANLPC certification 2016

Angel Healing Therapy.
Centre of Excellence: IAHT and IANLPC certification
Angel Healing Therapy Diploma 2016

Certified Angel Card Reader (CACR) and Advanced CACR.
Hay House and Doreen Virtue 2012-2013

Thank you for your support and liking, sharing and subscribing to my channel.
I appreciate it and I’m very grateful🌟

If you would like to make a donation:
PayPal account:✨

If you would like a Angel Healing Therapy, Life-Coaching -Heal Your Life, Assertiveness or Nutritional- and or a Angel card reading ( prayers or affirmations in this format via email or uploaded to a private link on YouTube ( that only you can see) or FaceBook MESSENGER)
Please contact me re costs and to make arrangements (details below).
Assertiveness, Nutritional and Heal Your Life Coaching and Workshops.
Hay House
The teachings of Louise Hay and Doreen Virtue
027 2253273


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