Aries – Calling In Your Soul Tribe!! – General Reading & Reiki Healing February 2022


Thanks for your likes, shares, subscribes & donations! Bookings are available. The link to my website and to donate is all below.

My focus in my tarot readings is on your emotional state, your conscious and subconscious thoughts, and how you react in situations. Having all of this highlighted to you helps you to gain personal power by letting go of any fear blocking your way, overcoming any negative learned responses, and connecting into your own intuition so you can make the best decisions for yourself going forward.

My Reiki Healings are also focused on healing any emotional wounds and negative thought processes as well as healing any niggling aches and pains. We hold a lot of physical pain in our bodies due to stress and I have found that simply by relaxing and receiving the Reiki Healing you can let go of and release any pent up emotions and stress within your body and this in itself actually heals those niggling physical pains.

Bookings Available.
Head over to my website to book in or get more info. Link below πŸ™‚

Thanks for your donations – link to paypal me below:

This reading is for entertainment purposes only and should not replace any legal or medical advice.



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