ASMR ⭐️ Plucking away the negative energy (pulling, snipping and brushing, hand movements, reiki)


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Let me help you relax and get rid of all this negative toxic and unnecessary thoughts from your mind🫶🏻 in this video i will be plucking, pulling, snipping and brushing away your bad thoughts and leaving you feeling free and light after our session^^ hope i could help! 🩷

sending luv from london



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#asmr #asmrplucking #asmrreiki

tags: smelly cat, smelly cat asmr mouth sounds,asmr,asmr personal attention,asmr for sleep,mouth sounds,personal attention,asmr sleep in 15 minutes,asmr you will sleep in 15 minutes,asmr deep sleep in 15 minutes,asmr personal attention,asmr sleep relaxation,tingles,ASMR to get you sleepy, plucking away negative energy, cleansing energy asmr, hand movements, reiki, reiki to get rid of toxic energy


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