ASMR Reiki for Clarity of Mind #fastASMR


If you enjoyed this video, please DONATE to the Charitable cause here:

“Aang Waan” — (A Greeting in the Aleut Language, meaning “Hello My Other Self”),

It’s an honor to share these MotherEarth centered ASMR Reiki videos with you! Read below for a few more inspiring words and to learn more about this special series! Thank you for spending part of your beautiful day with me — may you continuously feel incredible fulfillment from eveything presented on this channel.
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Day 10 of 33 — Reiki for Clarity of Mind
Blessings to you, my other self! Thank you for being here for this powerful session, Reiki for Clarity of Mind. May you see clearly, with Spiritual eyes how much of a blessing you are on this Earth, may you see clearly the Earth’s blessings, and may others see and bring out the blessings for you to enjoy from this moment forward. Thank you for your commitment to seeing clearly, to ending confusion, and to taking the steps toward a more fulfilling life and world. You are amazing. Mahalo nui loa— with deep reverence

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About this Environmental Initiative and
This series of 33 Mother Earth ASMR Reiki sessions, (for a suggested donation of $33 — making it $1 a session!) are sent to you from the love in my heart with a deep desire to bring you comfort, relaxation, healing—and to connect you with the Earth and Spirit. As mentioned, they also help fund the environmental organization that I believe is the #1 highest integrity and most reliable Earth-centered nonprofit that exists. It is called Imua Conservation Organization (ICO), and it is an environmental organization that preserves Nature for all beings. I am a full-time volunteer, and I have taken on supporting the goal of acquiring a series of large nature sanctuary lands on the Hawaiian Islands, and to keep such iconic places from being commercially developed. Also growing food for the community and visitors, these projects restore degraded lands and create new templates for localized land stewardship and lasting ecological wellbeing.

If you have been positively impacted by this series of 33 healing sessions, or if you have a strong love for the Earth and these pristine locations, please consider donating a one-time $33 or more at the website below (or becoming a monthly contributor). Donating just 33 dollars (the cost of a solo dinner and a movie!), allows us to easily achieve our goals currently and over the years to come!! We sincerely appreciate your willingness, participation, and generosity!

You can DONATE your super $33 HERE:


Every little bit counts! Thank you so much for helping preserve Mother Earth!

We welcome and thank you for your donations!

Thank you for your support and blessings!

In togetherness and reverence we thrive,

Layla Marie

*~*~*~*🌳DONATE HERE🌳*~*~*~*


*~*~PURCHASE MY newly released E-BOOK HERE~*~*
If you’d like to learn more about my wonderful story, I have written a book called ‘Sunlight for a Rainbow’— read some reviews and receive your copy below:


*~*~*~*~💗If you would like 1:1 coaching💗*~*~*~*
Please inquire about my ‘Next-Level Reiki Masterminds’ at— they are an intensive month-long commitment, & extremely helpful for those ready to welcome in their most fulfilling lives and develop the most loving relationship with oneself and all life.

This is a new channel, so please help us grow by:

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​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠My makeup: Homemade Barley grass juice Eyeliner + Beet & strawberry juice lipstick
My Beloved ♥️ Reiki Master: (the BEST in the world! I love her so much!)​⁠
​⁠​⁠ ​⁠@ReikiwithAnna
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Reiki and ASMR are relaxation tools that can complement the advice of professionals. I am not a medical professional and do not recommend using this channel as a substitute to whatever your current health modalities are. I share what has worked for me, and see that reiki is a great preventative form of healing, but recommend that you ALWAYS follow your own guidance as to what path is best for you in terms of professional guidance and care for body, mind, and spirit. If you are in an emergency or in need of support during a personal crisis, please call 1-800-273-TALK (8258) (OPEN 24 hours), or the number 1-800-LIFENET. Take good care.


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