ASMR Reiki Healing Session – Energy Cleanse | Energy Reset |Spring Clean |Weeding our energetic body


#asmrreiki #holistichealing #energycleanse #auroraalluminates

Hello my friends πŸ‘‹
This session is focused on cleansing our energetic body, aligning our energies and getting things flowing to aid the removal of anything that is no longer serving our highest good to make room for new energies, growth and expansion as we step into the spring here in the Northern Hemisphere.

Triggers – soft tapping, rattles, hand movements, flutters, combing, crystals.

I hope you enjoy this session. Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe. I love hearing how this session resonates with my fiends.

May you day be magical! May you stand tall in your true authentic self! May you see how truly beautiful and amazing you are!

Always πŸ’›πŸ’™
Aurora Alluminates🌈 🧚

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Tools and Intentions

🌈Session Intention: My intention for this ASMR Reiki Healing Session is to aid the removal of anything that no longer serve us, is no longer needed, any energies, thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences, programming, behaviour/routines to allow for growth and expansion. To help our energies flow as we step into this next season, spring and the energy of action. You can think of it as if we are gardening, we are removing the weeds and debris of the year gone past, anywhere where energy has clumped together, we are going to take some out and allow it to flow, ready for whatever new growth is coming your way.

πŸͺΆIncense and Broom – Cleansing ourselves, our energies body, our environment, allowing the smoke to cleanse away anything that is no longer serving us, any foreign energy bodies that are not our own, anything that is inhibiting us in this moment.

🌢 Peppercorn Shakers – To break up and move any stagnant energy, to get things flowing in our energies body.

πŸ•ŠSatin Spar Wand (often referred to as Selenite, which is similar but not the same) – To pick up any unwanted energies that are ready to be transmuted and removed.

πŸ˜‡ Gabrielle- Doubt Terminated Quartz – Draw in the Reiki symbols Cho Ku Rei and Infinity (balance). Also to draw out anything that is no longer serving us that may be a bit more stuck within our energetic body.

πŸ’œAmy – Amethyst Spectar – To help allow the flow of energy throughout our energetic body, to replenish anywhere that feels open and raw, giving us a boost within our energies body.

🌳 Cedar Branches – To protect and cleanse our energetic body. To bring us some stabilizing earthy energy, to nourish us ready to grow and expand as we fly off on our next path.

🌱Seeds and Wishes (Dandelion seeds) – Planting seeds and wishes. Allow the things we have planted to germinate in the darkness, remember to water and nourish them for they will bloom as the seasons warm.

πŸ’šRosemary Healing Oil – To seal our session, to heal anywhere that is feeling raw, to help our energies remember the harmony and flow of alignment, and to protect us from the energy around us that may try to influence our growth, allowing those that will nourish and heal us through but protecting us from those that are not for our highest good.

I hope you feel nice and relaxed and this session helped you to release those things that you no longer need and empower you to stand within your own for you are perfect just the way you are.

All my love always πŸ’›πŸ’™


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