asmr reiki infused massage healing 🕊🤍


blessings beautiful beings,
i am reposting this old video because i have been dealing with an injury and pain that’s caused me to be out of work for over a month now. i’m currently healing myself by taking off work & doing physical therapy which has been an answered prayer after weeks of agony and fear of not being able to walk or work again. i was so fixated on helping others, that i overworked myself to burn out & injury/pain. i’ve been working very hard on my healing journey. physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and i hope to return back to work in a few weeks to a month. if you have been watching my videos, thank you so much, you’re helping me pay for these bills that are adding up. if you would like to support me even more, love donations would be such a blessing during these hard times.

i pray to be back soon and to keep putting out healing videos for you guys.
so much love,

my venmo:
my paypal:

this video is a mix of my intuitive massage practice. my style is a mix of swedish, deep tissue, acupressure, shiatsu, & reiki. my dog Pablo Picasso is a rescue and he loves energy work & healing too. my hope is to raise the vibration of the planet and send out loving energy to the world, no matter what gender, race or nationality you come from, may all beings everywhere be happy and free.

if you would like to support me and my work, love donations are welcome & appreciated

many blessings & love to you


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