Reiki and Autism
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique utilized by people all over the world for wellness and for stress reduction when facing a variety of different issues, from everyday stress to assisting with comfort for illnesses. Some people have also explored the idea of using Reiki to help people with autism spectrum disorders. Very little research exists on the use of Reiki for autism spectrum disorders specifically, but more general studies have indicated that Reiki may potentially be effective for this purpose.
How Can Reiki Help with ASD?
Some of the benefits that may be helpful for people with ASD may include:
A chance to connect with another person in a different way.
Reduced stress and anxiety.
Healthier sleep patterns.
More control over the disorder.
Reiki, Accupressure & Holistic Therapist
Reiki Healing and Training centre, Meditation, Magnet Therapy, Relationship Counseling, Child Counseling, Marriage Counseling
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